Friday, August 5, 2011


Bravery and Confidence are very similar characteristics.   They both involve the capability of doing what others are psychologically unwilling to do.  The main difference is that bravery involves overcoming a more dangerous task.

Women are attracted to Bravery as much, if not more so, than they think they are attracted to Confidence.   But they are actually pretty good at detecting Bravery.  Mainly because faking Bravery is harder.   If you ask a pretty girl out and are visibly nervous, most women won't realize how confident you are.  This is despite the fact that your nervousness clearly meant you had MORE confidence than the smooth guy.   If you rescue a baby from a burning car, people will know how brave you are - even if you are weeping and screaming in terror while you do it.   Even if you act like a complete nincompoop, repeating "Am I on fire?  Is my pants on fire, are my shoes burning?  Check my hair!".  They will still realize you rushed into the burning fire and know how brave you are.   If a calm fireman is right next to you, they understand that his calm came from experience, not from greater bravery.

Many little boys figure this out rather early - or have it evolutionary built into their genes.  Hence the daring-do on skateboards/mountain bikes, the climbing, extreme sports, etc.

Advice for men:

If you participate in rock climbing or extreme sports, they are good topics to bring up when picking up a woman.  It is NOT a good idea to lie about them.  You will get caught in that lie.    When it comes to bravery women are less concerned with the surface and more about the facts.  So give parachuting a try and talk about how scared you were the first time you jumped.  Parachuting is a good choice mainly because everyone knows how scary it is, so you don't have to explain it.

It doesn't have to be sports.   Many of us have had at least one close call with death and talking about it can be better than an extreme sport.  An incident where you displayed courage/bravery is a very good topic for an early communication.    Again, it is a good idea to talk UP how scared you were.  Without you talking about how scared you were, the women may not know how dangerous the situation really was.    Lying about this kind of thing is very likely to backfire.  Stick to the truth - or take a parachuting class to get some truth.

Advice for Women:

If you like brave men, then try some brave sports.   You are very likely to meet a brave man taking the right kind of sports class.  You don't have to take the advanced, levels, the beginner one works too.   Rock Climbing is one of the better choices.  It has clear levels, so you can start off easy and work your way up to the harder stuff.  If you have issues with heights (and are not brave enough to overcome them), then you might try Scuba Diving.   It is more expensive and is much more restrictive about where you can do it, but you will meet some brave men.

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