Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Bad Romantic Ideas from Movies and TV

One of the problems with the media is that they often display unrealistic events for a multitude of reasons (drama, comedy, symbolism).   But sometimes people see things in movies and think it is a good idea.  Often it is not.

Here are 14 pieces of good advice based on bad movie ides.
  1. Romantic gestures and surprises should be small.  Big ones are a waste of money and time.   Multiple small surprises and gestures work better.
  2. Do not wait ("for the right time") to tell someone you like them, love them, or  want to marry them.  The best time is when you realize it.
  3. Do not lie about being pregnant.  Smart men promise to take care of the baby but end the relationship.  Stupid men just cheat.
  4. Do not withhold the fact you are pregnant.  No different from kidnapping - you are taking a man's child from him.  If he hasn't physically assaulted you, you are doing something worse than what he did.   
  5. End a relationship when you start thinking about cheating on someone.   The fact you considered it means you don't care enough to stay. 
  6. If you do end up cheating, immediately confess.  Maintaining the relationship under false pretenses is often worse than cheating.
  7. Tell your friend(s) that you are lusting/mooning over the same person.  If you both love X, then you both need to admit it - to each other and them.
  8. Any gender can do anything.   This includes asking someone out, proposing, housework, support, making dinner, making plans, initiating sex, etc.   Two only exceptions:  men can not get pregnant or lactate. 
  9. Talk about sex.  Best way to get better at sex is to get some instructions.
  10. People that fight are not in love.  Love is about getting along.
  11. 'Players' do not stop because they fall in love.  There is a reason why they are players, and that has to be fixed before they are start a relationship.   Easier to beautify an ugly faithful person than vice versa.
  12. Women are just as shallow, foolish, and likely to cheat, as men.   Men are not more immature than women.
  13. Kissing (and/or sex) has nothing to do with how good a 'match' they are.   Those things take practice which means the skilled are popular, not the one.  This also means the unskilled can be taught.
  14. When hearing bad news, do not get drunk.  Alcohol is an exaggerator - it makes good things better and bad things worse.  

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